urlAction(actionType, [payload], [meta])

A helper function to create action creators that can create actions interpretable by urlQueryMiddleware and urlQueryReducer. The standard format of an action produced by the action creators this function creates is:

  type: actionType,
  meta: {
    urlQuery: true
  payload: payload


  1. actionType (String): The standard redux action type, maps to type in the action.
  2. [payload] (Function): Takes the arguments provided from the action creator and produces what ends up in payload in the action. Can return any type. It defaults to the identity function.
  3. [meta] (Function): Takes the arguments provided from the action creator and produces what ends up in meta in the action. It must return an object, otherwise it will show up under meta.value.


(Function): An action creator that will produce an action that is recognizable by urlQueryMiddleware and urlQueryReducer.


const changeFoo = urlAction('CHANGE_FOO', foo => ({ encodedValue: String(foo) }));
dispatches action of form:
    type: 'CHANGE_FOO',
    meta: {
      urlQuery: true
    payload: {
      encodedValue: '94'
const changeBar = urlAction(
  bar => bar,
  bar => ({ updateType: UrlUpdateTypes.pushIn })
dispatches action of form:
    type: 'CHANGE_BAR',
    meta: {
      urlQuery: true,
      updateType: UrlUpdateTypes.pushIn
    payload: 'some-bar-value'

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    No results matching ""